Steps done with heart, soul, mind & strength for your child
We're happy to see you here! You're one step closer to admission!
Admissions and School Fees
Application forms are available from the School Office.
Completed application forms, including copies of a report from the pupil’s previous school, birth certificate and medical certificate should be submitted to the school office.
Details of the fee structure and method of payments are available from the school office. A letter stating fee structure for the following year is sent home with the pupil at the end of each school year. Fees are normally paid termly (3 instalments) in advance, but arrangements can be made to pay annually in full.

Admissions and terms and conditions of entry
At entry to Montessori International School of Maseru, the child must be three years by the month of entry and must be toilet trained.
Admission to Pre-primary and Reception is based on availability of space.
Admission to the primary school is subject to the assessment and personal interview. The educational needs of the child are identified by means of this assessment. i.e. to which class the child will be put in. wherever possible though, pupil are placed with their peer groups: